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Meanings of Hanchang Logo

Let us take a leap as a global enterprise with cooperation and unity between labor and management.

In the logo of Hanchang Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd., the red diamond and green diamond mean the cooperation and harmony between the management and the labor. The small diamond (background color) in the center symbolizes the strong enterprise achieved with the cooperation and harmony. The blue oval represents Hanchang Heavy Equipment’s will to grow to a global enterprise.

  • Red Color


  • Green Color


  • Blue Color




Corporate Color

  • #db0917

    C:17, M:99, Y:100, K:0
    R:219, G:9, B:23

  • #00994c

    C:81, M:21, Y:90, K:0
    R:0, G:153, B:76

  • #2ca1d2

    C:73, M:25, Y:13, K:0
    R:44, G:161, B:210